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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

How to choose the manicure that suits your fingers.

Manicure and nail polish are another form of self-care that women around the world love, whether it’s doing their own nails, cutting, filing, keeping their fingers nails and toenails clean, or being a regular at a nail salon who helps create beautiful, trendy nails for

How to gain weight and build muscle mass.

When it comes to weight and body shape issues, there are both those who are overweight and those who are underweight. No matter which problem it is, it can destroy your self-confidence and your health. want to gain weight, put on makeup to look beautiful, have

3 easy steps to help save your skin for men.

For most men, taking care of their face to make it bright and clear with many steps, men don’t care much. As men, just washing your face clean twice a day seems to be enough. Therefore, it is not surprising that most men have clean

Causes of dandruff and flaky scalp problems.

The problem of flaky scalp is a scalp problem that bothers many people. Many people may think that dry scalp and dandruff are the same thing, but in fact these two things are not the same problem because they have different root causes and symptoms.

What is arrhythmia or palpitations ? 

Palpitations are symptoms of an irregular, fast, and strong heartbeat that can occur at any time, including when resting or doing daily activities. Although palpitations are not serious or dangerous, in some cases, palpitations can be caused by an irregular heartbeat and require proper diagnosis

Sitting with a hunched back affects the alignment of the spine.

Hunched back is cause by the upper back (chest area) curving forwar. This is cause by a curve spine, which causes problems in carrying out daily activities, digestive problems, etc. In this online era, each person’s behavior has changed. They often have to work with

What kind of Hemoptysis (Coughing Up Blood) is dangerous and serious?

Hemoptysis (Coughing Up Blood) is a condition in which fresh blood or bloody mucus comes out when coughing up blood. This blood is from the lower respiratory tract, including the trachea and lungs. Coughing up blood is different from vomiting blood. The blood from coughing up

What are the risk factors for endometrial cancer?

Endometrial cancer is a cancer cause by the abnormal growth of cells inside the uterus. The main risk factors include obesity, high estrogen levels, old age, hormone replacement therapy, certain medications, and genetics. Most cases are diagnos in the early stages. With patients often presenting